A woman persists

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#awomanpersists #patryarchyseries #democracytocomeseries

Sources of implemented materials:
American Flag: https://giphy.com/gifs/animation-animated-usa-sFMDqop2ku4M0
Photograph: Photographed by Ethan James Green, Vogue, February 2020
Video: WATCH Elizabeth Warren speaks about decision to drop out of presidential race.mp4
Videostill: Reuters


Triptych is a new project of cmunzartists, the cooperation between the artist Christine Munz and the philosopher Frans Geraedts.
In a weekly rhythm they will publish a series of works that contest the state of the world.

Multiple series will emerge within the project. A work can be a part of more then one series at the same time. In this way cross-overs, knots and nodes will appear.

Every work will combine three panels. All historical, religious and artistic references that this form evokes are welcomed and embraced: within a resolutely secular, conceptual and contemporary frame.

Every work will conjoin text and image. Sometimes other media will be added, music, for example or sound. The imagery will be varied: photographs, drawings, graphics, paintings, films, videos, gifs.

Every work is viewable, can be experienced online. They will all reside on a blog on the cmunzartist website. Access will be distributed through social media: facebook, twitter, instagram.

The image below is an entrance to the work. In this particular case it is a fragment of a video. To see the work click on the link. It will open directly on this blog page.